Category: Crewe Advisors

In Uncertain Times, Do Annuities Make Sense?

Ben Mattlin includes Dan Sudit, partner at Crewe Advisors, in his latest article for Financial Advisor
Magazine exploring whether or not annuities make sense in times of economic turmoil and uncertainty.
RILA, a relatively new type of variable annuity, can be a great option for providing both protection and
growth. “For a consumer who fears loss and is seeking to mitigate uncertainty, a RILA is empowering and comforting,” shares Sudit

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Crewe Advisors Brings on New Partner Nick Perry

The Associated Press covers news of the addition of Nick Perry as a partner and wealth advisor at Crewe
Advisors. Perry, who previously worked at KeyBank, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, will bring a wealth
of knowledge of the hedge fund industry as well as experience managing high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals.

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Consumer-Staples Stocks Take Their Turn in Limelight

Karen Langley at The Wall Street Journal includes thoughts from Louise Goudy Willmering, CFA, partner of Crewe Advisors, on the longevity of consumer staples stocks. Goudy Willmering explains that we’re seeing a resurgence of the value stocks that were unpopular during the pandemic. “The boring, slow-growth, high-quality companies are doing well. Those kinds of things which were not as appealing and sexy in the tech bonanza of the pandemic have been continuing to grow,” says Goudy Willmering.

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Crewe Advisors Adds High-Performing Advisor Ryan Schlappi

The Associated Press features news from Crewe Advisors of Ryan Schlappi joining as a partner in its Scottsdale, Arizona office. Schlappi previously managed more than $1 billion during his tenure at JP Morgan Private Bank and brings a wealth of expertise in the Arizona, Nevada and Utah markets.

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Retirement investment strategies to consider as inflation rises

Louise Goudy Willmering, partner at Crewe Advisors, joins Yahoo! Finance to discuss inflation-hedging tips for those saving for retirement. “I think it is necessary to make sure that you have enough money for the next six months to a year on hand to weather those shocks. Stocks have been a good way over time to protect the purchasing power of the assets that you have. So I do think a balanced mix of stocks, making sure that you have enough liquidity on hand to take care of short-term shocks is a great way to go,” says Goudy Willmering.

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How Estate Planners Can Help Clients Navigate Generational Wealth Transfer Amid Rising Inflation 

Multigenerational financial planning and wealth transfer are rarely ever simple. Each client brings distinctive and varied considerations, so even experienced planners can encounter something new every day. The current environment of rapidly rising inflation adds a new element to evaluate and may cause some increased client anxiety, but if planning is done right, then “headline news” should not significantly impact a client’s long-term strategy. 

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3 Hot Stocks to Buy Now

Matt Whittaker of US News and World Report includes insight from Dustin Thackeray, chief investment officer with Crewe Advisors when recommending hot energy stocks. “There

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