Tag: In The News

New Crewe Foundation Leads The Way For Major Donations By High-Wealth Families

David Politis of Silicon Slopes spoke with Don Evans, CEO of Crewe Foundation, and Ryan Halliday, managing partner of Crewe Advisors, about each business.. The article explains how the addition of the Crewe Foundation to the Crewe family of companies will provide individuals with both charitable giving and financial planning advice under one roof. Sections of a recent press release are also utilized to give background about each branch, providing information on their earnings and overall outreach.

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Where’s the market opportunity amid the volatility?

Louise Goudy Willmering, partner at Crewe Advisors, joins Bloomberg TV to discuss her outlook on the
market and where to find stability. “I think that it’s really important to pay attention to where the stability in
the market lies. What we’ve seen is looking back this year the areas that have done the best really have
been health care and staples which are the areas that were sort of left for dead as everybody was
banking on future growth going forward,” she explains.

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Market Concerned Earnings Will Be Lower Than Expected

Louise Goudy Willmering, partner at Crewe Advisors, joins the TD Ameritrade Network to discuss why
she’s keeping an eye on the healthcare, financials and consumer staple sectors. Goudy Willmering
explains why an aging population is playing into an opportunity in the healthcare sector. “I think we’ve all
seen rapid changes in what’s available to take care of us as we age and certainly there are more of us
aging. So when you couple that with strong dividend, strong balance sheets and pretty much a stable
environment for healthcare, regardless of what goes on in the economy, it really is a great place to wait out some of this volatility,” explains Goudy Willmering.

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The Tax Advantages Of Hiring Family Members

Jeff Stimpson includes Kris Yamano, partner at Crewe Advisors, in his article on the tax advantages of
hiring relatives. Yamano explains that hiring a family member could help individuals and business owners
minimize their tax liability. “According to the IRS, hiring family members is one of many advantages of
owning and operating your own business. If done correctly, hiring a spouse, parent, sibling or child can
enable a family to increase retirement savings and potentially reduce overall tax liability. You just need to
ensure that they’re a bona fide employee — that is, they add value to the business for a reasonable
wage,” explains Yamano.

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Crewe Foundation Launches to Deliver Simpler, More Impactful Philanthropy

The Associated Press covers the launch of the Crewe Foundation, a philanthropic organization in association with Crewe Advisors that provides a vehicle for individuals all over the world to achieve their charitable giving goals. “Donors often underestimate the positive impact that their charitable giving has on their own families and the charities that they support over the long term. It’s so rewarding to help them make the most impactful use of their resources, and see generations of people become passionate about the charitable organizations and initiatives they support,” explains Foundation CEO Don Evans.

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The Enterprise: Industry Briefs

Utah’s Business Journal, The Enterprise, covers news of Nick Perry joining the team as partner and
advisor at Crewe Advisors. The piece goes on to note that Perry brings 15 years of industry experience to the team and will work with clients to meet their goals across investment management, business succession and estate planning.

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Crewe Advisors Seeks Conservative Credit Managers

Dustin Thackeray, chief investment officer at Crewe Advisors, is included in George Utley’s article for
With Intelligence exploring the firm’s search for private credit managers in the middle market senior debt
space. “Right now we’re opting towards the more conservative, more senior debt, first lien. So low debt-
to-EBITDA marks. We see that there is good value on these middle market companies relative to the very
large structures, and we like that right now,” explains Thackeray.

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In Uncertain Times, Do Annuities Make Sense?

Ben Mattlin includes Dan Sudit, partner at Crewe Advisors, in his latest article for Financial Advisor
Magazine exploring whether or not annuities make sense in times of economic turmoil and uncertainty.
RILA, a relatively new type of variable annuity, can be a great option for providing both protection and
growth. “For a consumer who fears loss and is seeking to mitigate uncertainty, a RILA is empowering and comforting,” shares Sudit

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Crewe Advisors Brings on New Partner Nick Perry

The Associated Press covers news of the addition of Nick Perry as a partner and wealth advisor at Crewe
Advisors. Perry, who previously worked at KeyBank, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, will bring a wealth
of knowledge of the hedge fund industry as well as experience managing high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals.

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Consumer-Staples Stocks Take Their Turn in Limelight

Karen Langley at The Wall Street Journal includes thoughts from Louise Goudy Willmering, CFA, partner of Crewe Advisors, on the longevity of consumer staples stocks. Goudy Willmering explains that we’re seeing a resurgence of the value stocks that were unpopular during the pandemic. “The boring, slow-growth, high-quality companies are doing well. Those kinds of things which were not as appealing and sexy in the tech bonanza of the pandemic have been continuing to grow,” says Goudy Willmering.

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