Category: Crewe Advisors

Stock Market Today: Falling Inflation Sparks Rally in Tech Stocks

“The trend of slowing year-over-year inflation prints continues for its 12th consecutive month indicating the Federal Reserve’s actions since March 2022 have been working well to slow price increases,”

Crewe Advisors Chief Investment Officer Dustin Thackeray provides insights to how the economy has been performing, given the inflation cooldown, in Karee Venema’s Kiplinger article.

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Clients Shouldn’t Rush Into Investing Windfalls, Advisors Say

“The biggest mistake when coming into a large amount of cash would be to emotionally rush into an investment that you don’t really understand.”

Crewe Advisors wealth advisor Marshall Nelson cautions investors with new liquidity to avoid moving too quickly when making investment decisions in Jeff Stimpson’s Financial Advisor article.

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Equity Compensation: Considerations for Corporate Executives

Corporate Executives typically receive a significant portion of their compensation in the form of equity. This equity compensation can take many forms, each with its own features, risks, benefits, requirements, and tax implications. It is critical for executives and their advisors to understand the structure of their particular equity compensation so they can make the best planning decisions and seek to minimize tax impacts.

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Debt-Ceiling Debates Will Continue To Hound Taxpayers, Advisors Say

Dan Sudit, partner at Crewe Advisors, speaks with Jeff Stimpson about how the debt ceiling debates will continue to affect taxpayers, despite an agreement being reached, due to the impact it had on the IRS. “The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the $21.4 billion reduction in IRS funding will result in a net increase in the budget deficit by approximately $19 billion. Even though $80 billion was earmarked, nearly three-quarters of the funding still exists. The money can’t be spent in one fell swoop. It takes time to hire new agents, train them and update their technology and resources as part of the IRS modernization. It is safe to say that the majority of the goals or efforts to scale and modernize the IRS will still occur, probably with modest, if any, reductions,” explains Sudit.

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AI-Focused ETF Assets Could Triple to $35 billion by 2030

Louise Goudy Willmering, CFA and partner at Crewe Advisors, shares her thoughts on artificial intelligence and the debt ceiling’s impact on the markets with Isabelle Lee at Bloomberg. “The way that we use and implement AI across all businesses is going to be transformational. It truly demonstrates the power of computing because it can do things that we didn’t realize were readily available to us,” says Goudy Willerming.

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Minimizing Tax Liability through an F-Reorganization

Business Sale Transaction Structure: Minimizing Tax Liability through an F-Reorganization

As a business owner considering the sale of your company, it is critical to explore various strategies that could optimize one of the biggest transactions of your life. One such strategy to evaluate is the F-Reorganization, a tax-efficient method of merging corporations. Read on as we learn more about the basics of an F-Reorganization and discuss some of the pros and cons of this strategy.

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Crewe Advisors Wealth Solutions Report Coverage

Liquidity Events – Top Three Issues For A Client Selling To Employees

Megan Slatter, wealth advisor at Crewe Advisors, speaks with Michael Madden at Wealth Solutions Report about important factors business owners need to consider during a liquidity event. “Business owners who engage in the process early and work with a qualified team often find themselves rewarded with informed decisions about the sale price, financing terms and other key aspects along with creative solutions to problems that may arise, all contributing to the overall success of the transaction,” explains Slatter.

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Crewe Advisors on ReutersTV

What BofA, Goldman earnings say about the economy -adviser

Louise Goudy Willmering, CFA and partner at Crewe Advisors, shares her thoughts on bank earnings reports and provides her outlook on Reuters TV. “While inflation has undoubtedly taken a chunk out of everyone’s earnings, I do not think everyone’s earnings have had the shift up to account for inflation,” says Goudy Willmering.

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Crewe Advisors on ReutersTV

Strong dollar makes international stocks a good bet -adviser

Louise Goudy Willmering, CFA and partner at Crewe Advisors, appears on Reuters TV on international stocks and the impact a strong U.S. dollar might have on their performance. “Because of what interest rates and a strong dollar have done for U.S. investors, I think investors have neglected international stocks as being a significant portion of portfolios and a diversification bet. I think a great way to add that diversification to a portfolio is by buying the broad index of Europe, Australia and far east developed countries,” explains Goudy Willmering.

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