Category: Crewe Advisors

Which Tax Forms Cause The Biggest Headaches?

Wealthy clients have an increased chance of encountering roadblocks during the tax form filing process. Wealth advisor Megan Slatter shares insight on the importance of being organized with Jeff Stimpson at Financial Advisor Magazine.

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Bad News Continues To Be Good News To Justify Fed’s Rate Pause

Our Partner Louise Goudy Willmering was on Schwab Network yesterday discussing market moves, where to look for opportunities, and 2024 economic expectations with Nicole Petallides:

“I think it is healthy for the yield curve to have some positive slope to it, and there should be some risk-reward payoff for holding those long-duration bonds.”

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How Advisors Can Help Clients Solve The Roth 401(k) Puzzle

Since the Roth 401(k) launched in 2006, Congress has made adjustments, making it harder for the general public to follow and make adjustments of their own. Wealth Advisor Megan Slatter connected with Ben Mattlin at Financial Advisor Magazine to discuss the role advisors can have in helping clients navigate the differences between a Roth 401k and traditional 401(k).

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Maximizing Value: Strategic Pre-Liquidity Planning for Business Owners

The process of exiting a business is far more than just a financial transaction; it is a complex balance of personal goals, strategic decision-making, tax and legal complexities and wealth preservation. In this whitepaper, we dive into the various aspects of exit planning – highlighting critical considerations and some strategies that may be used to ensure a successful transition.

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