Day: August 20, 2023

College Savings: Choosing the Optimal Strategy

Corporate Executives typically receive a significant portion of their compensation in the form of equity. This equity compensation can take many forms, each with its own features, risks, benefits, requirements, and tax implications. It is critical for executives and their advisors to understand the structure of their particular equity compensation so they can make the best planning decisions and seek to minimize tax impacts.

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Understanding EBITDA

Understanding EBITDA

While mentioned frequently, EBITDA is still not fully understood by many business owners, and rightfully so. There are questions as to why EBITDA is what institutional investors often use to peg a valuation to a company, what differentiates it from net income, and sometimes what it even means. Shedding some light on questions surrounding EBITDA can help business owners have a better understanding about how their companies may be valued when it comes time to sell.

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