Day: July 8, 2022

New Crewe Foundation Leads The Way For Major Donations By High-Wealth Families

David Politis of Silicon Slopes TV spoke with Don Evans, CEO of Crewe Foundation, and Ryan Halliday, managing partner of Crewe Advisors, for a video interview on each line of business. Evans focused on discussing the makeup of the Crewe Foundation and how its expansion was conceived and how it fits into the Crewe family of companies. “It was a chance to expand the Crewe brand and increase philanthropy into what they were doing, while also making things more efficient,” said Evans.

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Crewe Featured in Barron's

How to Handle a Bear Market in Retirement

Dan Sudit, partner of Crewe Advisors, speaks with Elizabeth O’Brien at Barron’s on reallocating stocks during a bear market. Sudit explains that for his clients, this means maintaining a certain standard of living through retirement while ensuring they have enough left over to leave money to their children and charitable causes.

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